My Story: Ten Years of Relocations


I know first-hand that moving can be a daunting experience! My family has personally relocated several times over ten years— we started in St. John's, Newfoundland, and ended up in Winnipeg, Manitoba, with stops in New Brunswick, Ohio and Moose Jaw along the way.

We discovered that finding the right community, choosing the perfect realtor, and embracing each place were essential to making the journey not only successful but also fulfilling. 

It all began when we were married in the quaint city of St. John's, NL, home of the rugged coastline and warm-hearted people. Set in motion by both the demands of the military and the advancement of my wife's career, we soon we found ourselves packing our lives into boxes, bound for Moncton, NB. It was in this charming city that our family grew, welcoming our first son. The magnetic Hopewell Rocks and the bustling Tidal Bore Park filled our weekends with adventure, while the support of the local community provided a steady anchor during this transformative time.

Next, our journey led us to Fredericton, where we realized the true value of community support, with fellow military families becoming an extended family of their own.

Our next move took us all the way to Dayton, Ohio, again prompted by military obligations. Thrown into buying a home and settling down in an unfamiliar community, we began to understand the critical role of thorough community research. Recruiting an experienced and knowledgable realtor who took the time to get to know us made all the difference. I think we might have spent an hour on our first phone call. He asked us every question under the sun: What kinds of activities do you enjoy? What kind of schooling will we want for the kids? Do they need daycare in the meantime? Is it important to be close to a gym? What about night life? Do you like to go out for dinner a lot? How much of a commute to work is acceptable? Do you like new homes or character homes? He was awesome and we found a great home in an excellent area.

Dayton also gave us the birth of our second son, and now with a newborn and toddler on board, we again found comfort in the camaraderie of military families. The shared experiences of constant relocation bound us together.

Soon, we were back to Canada, where Moose Jaw, SK welcomed us with open arms. Moose Jaw was a tight-knit Canadian gem that instantly felt like home.

Finally, we arrived at the final point of our journey—Winnipeg! The past moves had taught us the art of building connections, and here, we put our skills to the test and quickly made Winnipeg our home. We should have known better by then, but on a fast-paced house hunting trip, we pulled the trigger on a house in an area that ended up not being the best fit for us. I now know how critical it is to be patient even when you don’t want to be, which is something I emphasize with my clients all the time.

We made the best of it, and as our kids were now older, we were able to build connections inside and outside the military, with the kids activities and friends introducing us to loads of great new people. We ended up meeting Scott Moore through my son’s hockey— he quickly picked up on what we were looking for, then showed us a single house in Bridgwater Lakes— it was perfect and we wrote an offer then and there. So we moved once again, although this time only across the city.

From St. John's to Winnipeg, over a ten-year span, we have learned that a physical location is just the backdrop; the heart of a home lies in the people who surround us.

In my career as a realtor, I love to use all my personal experience in my work with people relocating to Winnipeg. I definitely know how hard it is to move to a brand new city, find a good home in a good area, find friends and community, and still keep sane! If you are relocating to Winnipeg, please give me a call. I would be happy to help.


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